Sunday, June 20, 2010

Y do pple think tht african americans dersevre a pardon, or money for once being enslved??

its complety rong 2 think this way A.) no slaves r still alive B.) no slave owners/holders r still alive C.) u cant appogize 4 ur ancestors bo-bo's the sins of child r on the parent but the sins of the parent r not on the child

and dont u going saying "well ur not black so u dont no" we, i dont fit hilters decription of the perfect race(blonde hair and blue eyes) i ahev drak hair and eyes, meaing, if i had lived in the holicost, i prob would have been sen t 2 concentration camps and went through worse then slavery evr was here in us, slaves had 2 b fed 2 keep up strength, concentraion camp ppple, no they could be starved, beaten gased and killed for beliving a certain or look and certain way(yes slaves were 2) but concentration camps were worse. so i am asking u after being eduucated on te issue do african amercans really desreve an apolgy or even money for ther race once being enslaved here?

Y do pple think tht african americans dersevre a pardon, or money for once being enslved??


You are a TROLL !

You have been reported -- TROLL -- for 'Trolling' thru

Yahoo!Answers in a attempt to stir up racial-conflict.

You -- and people of your ilk -- are pathetic!!


Y do pple think tht african americans dersevre a pardon, or money for once being enslved??

night walkers answer was the best by far!!! Report It

Y do pple think tht african americans dersevre a pardon, or money for once being enslved??

Why can you not spell correctly? People think that because people want money, easy money from the government.

Y do pple think tht african americans dersevre a pardon, or money for once being enslved??

You act like they all live in castles.Everyone deserves a fair chance,especially in America.White ,Black, They all get treated like garbage these days.

Y do pple think tht african americans dersevre a pardon, or money for once being enslved??

Yes. Every person who can prove that he or she was enslaved should be compensated by the person or business that owned them. Maybe it's just me, but I haven't met many people who were either slaves or slave owners.

Y do pple think tht african americans dersevre a pardon, or money for once being enslved??

I don't see why if blacks get that why don't the Jews or the muslims or the christians, just list a group that has been enslaved. That's why my oppion is the same as yours. I have talked to some African Americans on the issue and they don't care that their ancestors were slaves. They just want to make their own way through life. But it's only the lazy ones that say that their ancestors being slaves should give them the right to get all the free stuff they want.

Y do pple think tht african americans dersevre a pardon, or money for once being enslved??

jeezuz......cant people discuss real topics instead of BS?

Y do pple think tht african americans dersevre a pardon, or money for once being enslved??

because they do.. dont be racist

Y do pple think tht african americans dersevre a pardon, or money for once being enslved??

Don't let reparations bother you so much. Blacks don't get enough respect in America to receive reparations the way the Jews did for the holocaust.

There are records of which companies benefited from slavery, and the descendents suffered from the legacy of slavery (fewer opportunities, benign neglect, etc) but paying back for slavery will never happen in the US.

Y do pple think tht african americans dersevre a pardon, or money for once being enslved??

Sorry, I was going to try and answer but only made it through the first attempted sentence. Please post back in english

Spell Check is available

Y do pple think tht african americans dersevre a pardon, or money for once being enslved??

you mean like a purchase agreement or bill of sale?they do their is your fact..cheers,hail bush

Y do pple think tht african americans dersevre a pardon, or money for once being enslved??

The only ones who deserve an apology and some form of compensation are the African Americans born from 1970 and back. Any African Americans born after 1970 should not. If it were the case then everyone in this country deserves an apology and compensation due to the fact everyone at some point had a relatives or relatives who were slaves.

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