Sunday, June 20, 2010

I have a Question for African Americans........?

I'm a caucasian woman with an 8yo daughter. When she talks about friends at school, people she sees, on tv, etc who happen to be African American, she calls them "brown". (She doesn't mean it in a derogatory sense, she will say, "There's a new girl in my class and she has brown skin and long black hair") For instance, today she bought a new African Amer. baby doll. She stated she wanted a "brown" doll because she thinks the skin looks prettier when its brown. I teach her that they call that African American doll or Black doll.. She argues with me and says that it's not black, its brown. lol My question is, I'm worried if Afr. Americans would take offense to my daughter saying "brown" ? For the record, she calls caucasians "pink" lol. Thanks for your responses! : )

I have a Question for African Americans........?

I wouldn't take offense with her saying brown at all. She's expressing what she physically sees and there's nothing wrong with being honest. She hasn't been jaded by the ignorance of people. It's a beautiful thing and I would embrace it. She sounds like a very special young lady. It's a shame that some adults can't see things with the eyes of a child.

I have a Question for African Americans........?

I wouldn't take offense. I think it's cute.

I have a Question for African Americans........?

I don't think its offensive but then again I don't think anyone can speak for their whole race.

I have a Question for African Americans........?

That's cute! At least she appreciates %26amp; admires us %26amp; our skin color.

I have a Question for African Americans........?

No We are beautiful shades of brown from the lightest hue of dust to the darkest hue of the ground. We are God's children. For the record, I am not an hyphenated American. I am Black and proud to be.

I have a Question for African Americans........?

Children speak the truth, isn't it a shame we h ave to teach them that that is not always 'acceptable'!!?

I have a Question for African Americans........?

that is so adorable. leave her with her vocab, she can teach us all a lesson

I have a Question for African Americans........?

I'm white, but I answered so I could give all previous posters a thumbs up. I think it's cute also.

I have a Question for African Americans........?


Leave her alone...atleast she's not hating. My son says he's brown too, because he know what black looks like and can't comprehend its a loose description not gospil to your skin tone.

Hell, pleny black adults say "I'm not black, I'm brown". They need to be kicked...I mean, talk about splitting a hair.

ps. You aren't having her call herself "caucasian" are you. Its positively refering to people as homosapiens all the time.

I have a Question for African Americans........?

I wouldnt take any offense if that came from a young girl. I have light brown skin, but I am of the Black/African race. Black people come in different shades and colours.

She does sound cute, and obviously you are bringing her up the right way... not to see colour when dealing with people. Kudos to you for that.

I have a Question for African Americans........?

Brown is fine.

I have a Question for African Americans........?

That is really cute, and no... I don't think there would be anyone who could find that offensive.

I think your daughter just has no idea about race at this point and only sees the differences in skin tone. Too bad we all can't be that way.

I have a Question for African Americans........?

I don't take offense to It.She does have her colors right. I've never seen a person that was as Black as a blackboard or as white as chalk. Since she accepts that people are different colors and is not hateful toward them, It's okay with me.

I have a Question for African Americans........?

nah, that would just be absurd. The only problem I forsee is the "brown" kids probably call themselves Black. As long as she doesn't start arguing about it, she will be fine.

I have a Question for African Americans........?

I don't think anyone in their right mind would take offense.I'm from the UK (England) so i can not speak as an African American but as a black man from the UK she would not offend me .The good thing about kids is that they tell it like it is and that's beautiful .I'll raise a glass to you and may your daughter always be so enlighten.

I have a Question for African Americans........?

Nope, awww, that's cute. Yes, I'm okay with being "brown".

I have a Question for African Americans........?

yeah, I think it's cute as well, at least we know your daughter knows her colors very well :)

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