Thursday, June 17, 2010

Why is my hair falling out?

I am an African American Male and I am losing my hair, i use to just think that it was new growth put every time i touch my hair or comb it there is hair falling out. Does anyone have any suggestions? I have been trying all types of different products for people of color but none of them are working.

Why is my hair falling out?

What causes hair loss?

One of the primary causes of hair loss is a high amount of the male hormone, dihydrotestosterone (DHT) within the hair follicle. DHT is produced from testosterone in the prostate, various adrenal glands, and the scalp. After a period of time, an over abundance of DHT causes the hair follicle to degrade and shortens the active phase of the hair.

Another factor that has been linked to hair loss is the amount of sebum in the scalp. Sebum contains a high amount of DHT, and clogs pores in the scalp, both of which cause the malnutrition of the hair root. The amount of sebum in balding hair is related to the amount of oil in the hair. Meanwhile most doctors agree that frequent shampooing is advised in hair loss cases with oily scalps.

The most important cause of hair loss is inadequate nutrition. Even a partial lack of almost any nutrient may cause hair to fall. But hair grows normally after a liberal intake of these vitamins. A high protein and and an iron rich diet is recommended for hair loss. An adequate intake of raw vegetables, fresh fruits, salads, green leafy vegetables should be included in the diet on a regular basis.

Another important cause of falling hair is stress, such as worry, anxiety and sudden shock. Stress leads to a severe tension in the skin of the scalp. This adversely affects the supply of essential nutrition required for the healthy growth of hair.

General debility, caused by severe or long standing illnesses like typhoid, syphilis, chronic cold, influenza and anaemia, also gives rise to hair disorders. It makes the roots of the hair weak, resulting in falling of hair. An unclean condition of the scalp can also cause loss of hair. This weakens the hair roots by blocking the pores with the collected dirt. Heredity is another predisposing factor which may cause hair to fall.

Many of these causes are temporary and a few are permanent. These are some of the more common reason for hair loss.

Why is my hair falling out?

Maybe you have a disease. or Cancer! go ask a doctor !

Why is my hair falling out?

maybe you did something to it? heat styled it too much, or dyed it? that is the cause sometimes..

you could get around a few hairdressers and ask them?

hope this helps, and you hair gets better soon!


Why is my hair falling out?

You should go to the doctor. If baldness is not in your family then it could be a sign of a health issue... not necessarily anything serious... it could be a simple vitamin deficiancy.

Either way, your doctor might even be able to prescribe a cream to help stop the fallout.

Why is my hair falling out?

It could be anxiety. My friend had the same thing happen and her doctor said it;s a from of stress. Your body reacts to stress so many different ways and it comes out different ways too. I know I have anxiety. Go see someome and check it out it cant hurt.

Why is my hair falling out?

how old r u?

Why is my hair falling out?

Okay, heres the thing.

Women don't get bald because we produce for of the "hair growing gene"

then men do,

for men their genes die out faster causing them to go bald, not all men go bald though.

Maybe it's just your time to go bald?

or maybe you should talk to your Doctor, but chances are that's whats happening.

also there's a disease called Ring Worm,

which you might want to look up it's like lice, but worse, yet very easy to

kill. It gets into your skin and travels to areas with hair usually the head,

and causes hair to fall out in the shape of a ring causes a circle area

of baldness.

Symptoms to look for are: Itchiness, rashes, red spots, any irritation,

also if it gets into your nails the growth of the nail will slow down.

When it enters the nail it's very hard to kill.

Too much stress will cause hair to fall out as well,

also you get more Gray / white hair when under a lot stress.

PS. the cancer thing that that person wrote,

you dont lose your hair when you have cancer,

you lose your hair when you get chemotherapy the treatment for cancer.

Why is my hair falling out?

u know everyone has hair fall out everday that is you have a bald spot? If not then chances are its just the normal cycle that takes daughter is half black and when i brush her hair it falls out too...its sounds to me like maybe u might have some split ends..if u get those trimmed up just a little bit then chances are u can stop the damage from splitting further up the hair shaft..also don't wash ur hair everyday....their is this good shampoo from Origins called Knot Free its really thick and very creamy and it smells like marshmallows...u should go online and buy it because it would make ur hair very nice and then u should start using Queen Helene hot oils for deep conditioning and u need to start greasing ur head with coconut oil. Good luck hope this helps.

Why is my hair falling out?

There are several reasons for this:

1. Stress will make hair fall out

2. Too many hair products could be damaging your hair

3. Heredity, is your mother's side of the family balding, Male pattern baldness is from the maternal side of the family.

4. You may be sick, have your iron tested at your doctors office and have him give you a complete check up there may more going on then you realize. Better safe than sorry.

5. Go to a beauty salon and have a professional look at you they may be able to guide you to what to use on your hair.

Hope this helps

Why is my hair falling out?

have your doctor run some labs, are you on any psychotropic medications...some can cause increase prolactin levels and or hair loss...but for sure talk to your doctor and he can check into any other meds you may be on and if they could be the cause...also thyroid levels out of wack could cause hair loss... I wouldn't worry about it because stressing wont help either.

Why is my hair falling out?

check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:-- Hairloss/Hairfall

Why is my hair falling out?

Hi many of the answers given are on track.

1. We lose 100 or more hairs a day and it is replaced with new ones all the time.

2. Hypothyroid is another cause for hair loss, have doctor check your TSH levels (thyroid secreting hormone) for this. Other things that can go with this is weight gain for no reason, very dry skin, fatigue, depression and a few others. Important to get a doc check if you think this may be it. Check some of the online sites to get a rough idea of what can cause it also.

3. Alopecia is another reason for hair loss. It is not totally known why it makes the hair fall out and usually falls out in blotched area's, and stress adds to it immensely. Stress in and of itself can make the hair fall out.

4. Some meds (one of them being used for seizures/epilepsy) can also cause the hair to fall out and they say it comes back, but that does not always happen.

5. I have never heard of dirty hair causing hair to fall out, otherwise I would think that people from other countries who do not have access to water all the time would all be bald. Could ask your doc on this one.

6. Hair care products can make the hair fall out by making the hair strand weak and very easily breakable, therefore, making a lot fall out when brushing or combing. Is it falling out all over when you are not touching it too?

7. Hair straighteners, perm solutions, and hair dyes can also make the hair weak and fall out or you could have a bad reaction/allergic reaction to the solutions and that can make the hair fall out.

8. Is the root ball also falling out or it is just bits of hair further down the hair shaft? The root ball is the part that is actually in the skin of the scalp. It is normal for us to lose many hair strands a day. I would check with a doctor if it is all falling out with the root ball intact also.

This may be a sign of balding or not, hence the need for a doctor's advice and diagnosis.

I hope some of this is of help to you and that you will find your answer. Good luck and best wishes.

Why is my hair falling out?

Well I had the same problem. and it was due to colouring it so many times {once a day for a week}. When your hair falls out, it comes back slowly, but not in the same lenght or quality. this is called a cycle and can continue for numerous times. Also, some hairs in your head {estimated average is 15 out of every 100} is in a dormat sleeping stage. {where the hair cannot and wont grow any longer}. you should, if you have split ends cut them of by a professional as split ends will never keep growing. And are you washing your hair with many chemicals? If so, stop and just remain with the one shampoo. I promise that shampoos that claim to stop hair fall, even the brand pantene, wont work, as hair is too weak and when washing falls out anyway. I suggest massage your head gently with coconut oil daily will help thicken and streghten existing hair. also, new hairs will sprout out. do not wash everyday, only every other day, such as once a week. I know it sounds disgusting but it works, as long as you rinse the hair with cold water every day. also, dont use hot water as this weakens the hair and makes it fall. advoid combing the hair, and treat it good. When hair is wet dont play with it as the hair is at it's most vunerable. Thats all i can say, and good luck. if you need any other tips then contact me. bye.

Why is my hair falling out?

Egg whites, lemon juice, oil massages and diet changes can reduce hair fall. You can find more cheap, effective and natural home remedies for hair loss at

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