Saturday, November 21, 2009

Can I use heat to style my hair?

I'm African American and I get my hair straightened but I want to do different styles in between straightenings. I want to use heat but I don't want to damage my hair are there any products I can use to pravent damage?

Can I use heat to style my hair?

Yes get as many products from the KERA CARE line... as you can afford...this line is made for Ethnic hair...and every professional I know here in LA uses the line. The man that owns it is brilliant, I am a cosmetic chemist as is he....and his products just ROCK....they honestly will solve every single issue you have .

You can get them at : www.Just4Beauty. com

The top 4 ?

#1 is to spray on to protect the hair from the heat of the FLAT IRON: Silken Liquid Sheen Spray

#2 %26gt; Humecto Creme Conditioner - use to deep condition your hair OVERNIGHT 1 day per week.

#3 %26gt; Oil Sheen w/ Humidiry Block

#4 %26gt; Essential Oils for the Hair.....just use sparingly

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