Saturday, November 28, 2009

I know that curly baby hair can often be just the baby hair and that sometimes it is just curly...?

but what I wanted to know is if the spots that your baby rubbed out on his head came back straight then does that mean their hair may turn out straight? I love mys son's curls and I thought his hair would stay curly. Will it change again? I don't want to cut his hair when he is old enough because I love the curls BUT he has curly on the top and down the middle of the back of his head and straight on the sides so I know I will have to!!! haha

My son is African American (daddy) and Caucasion (momma) but we both have native american and he has philipino and caucasion too - I don't know if this contributes to why his hair might be straight though. I know genetics is a wacky thing so I am not trying to have anyone predict...I just wanted to know some experiences with your baby's hair. Thanks in advance!

I know that curly baby hair can often be just the baby hair and that sometimes it is just curly...?

Since your son is a mixed etnicity I bet its going to end up curly. I would not cut his hair. Its still goin to change as he grows. Its all a question of genetics. Don't worry too much about it .

I know that curly baby hair can often be just the baby hair and that sometimes it is just curly...?

My son's hair was curly at first but turned out straight. My daughter's hair was straight from the very beginning. You just never know until it grows out a bit more.

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