Saturday, November 28, 2009

Why do people of African Descent dis credit being of that?

One of my closes friends by the name of Ralita Vasquez is black. BUT she does'nt count herself as that.. she's of Afro-Cuban descent her parents says she's black and they count themselves as black. On her pyhsical papers to play school sports and job applications she repeatedly marks Latino/Hispanic when her parents mark African American Descent, she says she's Cuban because she's Light Skinned and have long silky hair. It's like she's ashame of being Black.

So I came to ask for some of you guys thoughts.

Smart people are a plus!

Why do people of African Descent dis credit being of that?

Well this seems to be another one of those "I need to be exotic" stories. Athough I seen it the other way around when latinos select black or the just check both latino and black. I noticed as time goes on they tend to fall in line on the black side once they realize white hispanics look down on them.

Why do people of African Descent dis credit being of that?

well technically she could mark down latino/hispanic because she belongs to that ethnic group, BUT that's kind of sad that she doesn't acknowledge her African side. Many Cubans are of African descent.

Why do people of African Descent dis credit being of that?

i hate when people do that but them again people can choose to label themselves what they want...

i am so proud to be of african descent its not even funny!! if i was any other ethnic group id seriously hang myself..being black is the best thing to ever happen to me..i honestly believe being born black is a blessing from the me c0cky but im just proud to be who i am

Why do people of African Descent dis credit being of that?

Well, nothing about this idea of race and ethnicity is as simple as black and white. Race especially because it is a concept constructed by humans. The fact is that many Hispanic nations are directly connected to Africa. Dominican Republic, Cuba and even other nations such as Jamaica etc. So really, it comes down to what that person choses to represent. Actually in this case, when it comes to legal paperwork, she's probably more accurately answering by checking the Hispanic box.

Also, please try and remember that Black is referring to a race not a skin color.

Why do people of African Descent dis credit being of that?

maybe she feels her latino side ( the name gives up heritage somewhere down the line ) shows more than her african american side - so she sides with this culture - maybe she feels it will be easier in the future to be known in buisiness as latino instead of black - i feel she should mark other and put down biracial -

if you want to you could ask her some things about her culture and why she sides with latinos more than african americans - see if she just uses it as a getaway or is she truely rooted to her latino culture - then maybe that would help you decide if you should really let this even bother you -

Why do people of African Descent dis credit being of that?

We all know "why"she doesn't acknowledge her african ancestry.Anyone who has lived enough knows that we are not appreciated by all races,be they white,latino,asian due to negative stereotypes,legacies of racism,but I will note that the dark skinned latinos who live anywhere in south america,be they from costa rica,puerto rico,colombia,brazil for example are held in lower regard compared to their ligher skinned long haired latinos.

It is not unique to America,cuba or a few countries,its everywhere around the world.

Why do people of African Descent dis credit being of that?

Take out the color black and it will alleviate half of the problem. Unless she is as dark as tar she is not "black". You can't base ethnic group on skin tone. She is of Hispanic/Latin descent. That is their language, their country. There is no African Cuban box to check on any forms that I know of so the closest thing for her to check would be hispanic/latino. Her parents choosing to claim African as their base nationality is THEIR choice and it's correct also. There is no harm done either way. They are BOTH correct.

Why do people of African Descent dis credit being of that?

If that's how she sees herself, then let her be. There are a lot of people from different countries that come to America to embrace their roots in this country. Once they become citizens, they proudly claim themselves as Americans.

Perhaps your friend just feels more Latina/Hispanic based on how close she feels to them culturally. Just accept how she sees herself from the inside rather than the outside.

Why do people of African Descent dis credit being of that?

Basically what it all boils down to is wanting to be something special. And when i say that i mean something other than Black. Or shall i say more than Black/African American. Black in America is look on as being negative and she wants to give her self a she thinks. For me being Afro Rican and Afro Cuban and African American i could say Latino.... But why? I'm Black and proud! People of African descent now days feel the need to say other...because it makes them think that they are something different. But in all reality Black is Black no matter where you come from. When you walk down the street....and a cop says i see a black male he doesn't say i see a black black. People need to accept who they are and be happy with it. Until then they will always feel the need to explain...who they are. When in all reality...they are just Black!!!! I spend a lot of time in NYC and the Black Latinos i know love being black. Yeah they may say I'm Rican or Dominican....but still BLACK!!!

Why do people of African Descent dis credit being of that?

Maybe she doesn't want to belong to a group,maybe she just wants to be herself.Why does she have to be classified? Why are you so concerned?Is her "identification" going to make you more or less who you are?

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